What would extraterrestrial intelligence mean for our faith?
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, and the Vantage Point and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
So far God’s design for your ear has just created vibrations in a fluid that causes your sensory hair cells to vibrate. More has to happen in order for you to hear.
Shepherds were among the first to domesticate dogs to help them with their work.
The intellectual climate in the West has left all of us assuming a thing is real only when we can see it or touch it.
Experience the beauty and peace God has made for you.
Butterflies lay their eggs on the plants that are the best food for their offspring.
Leaders are typically given way too much credit on both ends of the spectrum. They are either venerated as saints or demonized.
In the same way my daughter tirelessly sets up her toys every day, I go through the motions of being with, feeding, reading to, and playing with my kids.
This moment—a plea for passion and meaning—resonated with all of us.
The hot August sun beat down as I approached the vacant ruins of the old community garden.
We never went back. No explanation was necessary.
I am concerned that by preserving my marriage I am compromising myself and risking my emotional, mental, and physical health.
I dearly love the Reformed doctrine of God’s grace.
Do some methods cause us to multitask too many things? Do some of the things churches do during communion, such playing music, make it hard for us to meditate?
It might seem strange that an Orthodox Jewish rabbi would side with a Christian adoption agency that refused to accommodate a Jewish couple. But I do.
God is at work wherever the Spirit has placed us, and we are sent to remain.
I arrived at my Life Group early and had a few minutes to continue pondering what made small groups so important, and I soon began to realize something.
Skepticism regarding human nature is certainly warranted, and even wise.
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She told the audience about how her ethnic group suffered vicious attacks that left about 400 dead and displaced thousands in her community.
Science is very good at some things, but it is limited.
His net starts to break under the weight of the madly squirming fish. Are his blessings about to become curses?
I might not understand why God allows crisis and upheaval, but I trust the promise that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him.
Lichen is a combination of an alga and a fungus that work together to grow and thrive.