So far God’s design for your ear has just created vibrations in a fluid that causes your sensory hair cells to vibrate. More has to happen in order for you to hear.
This column for kids explores nature, science, and God’s amazing, good world.
Butterflies lay their eggs on the plants that are the best food for their offspring.
Lichen is a combination of an alga and a fungus that work together to grow and thrive.
One of the things I love about music is that it affects us more at the heart level. Music tends to make us feel.
When God said in Genesis, “Let dry ground appear,” God created solid, recyclable material.
If you watch closely, you can see many moments of joy in creation. Sometimes creation brings us joy, and sometimes you can see joy happening for other parts of creation.
Nature enthusiasts and scientists have been studying snow for a long time. You can too!
Frost is a unique and beautiful aspect of creation.
God designed water to be a super dissolver! In fact, scientists call water a “universal solvent” because it can dissolve more things than any other kind of natural liquid.
As long as these eggs are kept at room temperature, they don't begin to develop.
Simple machines help us by following the simple rule God made for them: When you increase the distance over which force is applied, you decrease the force needed.
Rest, whether it’s sleeping or just taking a break, is important for our physical and spiritual health.
Bees create some of the most incredible homes on the planet.
The ground glimmered with the soft light of disturbed glowworms, which are actually firefly larvae.
An Impressive Feat
The James Webb Space Telescope shows us even more of God’s creationTelescopes help us discover God’s order in the universe, and the people who designed them used God’s laws for the universe to create these tools.
Not only do flowers look pretty, but as with everything in God’s creation they were made with purpose.
Think of your favorite breakfast, lunch, or dinner food. What does it taste like? What makes it so yummy? Chances are your favorite meal is made with herbs and spices!
This might be news to some, but the salmon we find in the Midwest, including the Great Lakes, are not native.
It’s a good thing that when God created heat, he also created rules for heat to follow.
Who wants to help a snake? Snakes are icky, weird, and evil, aren’t they?
These types of trees are known as conifers and include trees such as pine trees, firs, spruces, and cedars.
You have probably seen a tree with most of its leaves still on the branches even though its neighbors have dropped their foliage.
Your teeth aren’t just for chewing your food. They also help you form sounds when you speak and make your smile uniquely yours!
The birds who have happily feasted on the surplus of bugs and abundance of space found in the North begin to think about making the long flight back to their wintering grounds.