We’re discovering that God is at work outside of our services, programs, and strategies.
What do you do when you’re home for weeks and months, stuck with nowhere to go? The answer was overhead.
CRC members along a spectrum of opinions share their beliefs.
Social capital and the “good ol’ boys” network gave us power to float through people, doors, and walls.
Anne Lamott writes the foreword of this memoir about a mother facing a child’s grim diagnosis.
An inspiring children’s book about a Columbian garbageman who elevated books and reading in his country.
A grisly Top 10 Netflix film plumbs the depths of human depravity while posing important questions about society and inequality.
Both Scripture and Christian tradition challenge the idea that God takes the sides of nations, civilizations, and political parties.
In Michigan and in Iowa two Christian Reformed congregations have invited others to join them in corporate prayer.
At Lady Flower Gardens in northeast Edmonton, Alta., the contributions of vulnerable people are valued in the work of community agriculture.
이는 보수에서 진보까지, 무정부주의자에서 음모론자들에 이르기까지 모든 정치적 성향의 사람들에게 위험합니다.
A Documentary on Social Media Addiction that Leads Us to Ask “What is Truth?”
My Unedited Writing Year: 365 Invitations to Free Your Creativity and the Writer Within by Hope Lyda
A faith-based, creatively-infused guide for writers at all levels.
A stone struck Paul so hard on the head that he was knocked unconscious.
Apart from having faith that God can and will preserve his Word, there are four arguments that build a rock-solid case for why we can trust the New Testament.
I remember Tini. She was a teenage girl who lived with us during the war. When I was old enough to understand, my mother told me who she was and why she was with us. I had always wondered why this friend from my toddler years had suddenly left us.
When I think of the times of celebration or holidays, I think of family, friends, and a good meal together.
An intimate folk album invites us to grieve our own losses with Oregon singer Taylor Kopp.
An American Navy commander finds himself embroiled in the longest, largest, and most complex naval battle in history. Based on a true story.
A new middle grade novel from the author of Esperanza Rising involves a young boy and his family’s involvement in guiding fleeing immigrants to safety.
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, while denying allegations against its founder, who died in May, said they’ve launched an "independent external investigation."
North Hills Christian Reformed Church in Troy, Mich., hosted a traveling art exhibit in September, showcasing work from participants of Crossroads Prison Ministry’s correspondence Bible study course.
Rolling Acres Christian Reformed Church in Mason City, Iowa, has a professional radio DJ among its members. Harry O has regular podcast chats with his pastor, Phil Boender, welcoming a different church member to the microphone each week.
What happens when it seems even pointless to pray because we know that healing probably won’t come?