You raise an issue that has been wrenchingly difficult for many in our denomination. We still don’t see eye to eye on it.
Owen and Eleanor Move In is a sweet and humorous start to a series of chapter books for young readers.
Suggested additions of LGBTQ terms to the style guide used by publications of the Christian Reformed Church generated much discussion at the recent meeting of the CRC’s Council of Delegates.
More than half of church-planting pastors in the Christian Reformed church ply another trade while ministering. A Grand Rapids conference looked at that future.
A powerful true story of forgiveness and reconciliation springing from God’s grace.
Synod 2018 may pick up where Synod 2017 left off, when fault lines appeared over how the Christian Reformed Church carries out its mission to “do justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with God.”
Forest City Community Church, a Christian Reformed congregation in London, Ont., is a recent example of a growing church spreading its ministry in multiple locations.
The agencies of the Christian Reformed Church continue to join in the work that began on Pentecost, equipping congregations and church denominations across the globe.
Two overtures (requests) are going to Synod 2018 asking that denominational staff be constrained from issuing statements on political issues on behalf of the Christian Reformed church.
The recommended increase in ministry shares would be allocated to Congregational Ministries.
In the era of #MeToo, calls to the CRC’s Safe Church ministry office are getting increasingly frequent.
An epic novel captures the majesty of Alaska and the terrible effects of PTSD.
Singer-songwriter Sam Baker ventures into the “land of doubt” in his latest album.
Do we need to consider a digital-device detox?
The most poignant and thought provoking "go-to" writings in The Banner are, for me, those of editor-in-chief Shiao Chong.
#MeToo. At the end of 2017, this hashtag went viral as woman after woman disclosed that she too had experienced sexual harassment or assault.
Eight members of Korean Church of Orange County spent 10 days in short-term mission in India.
Kraker was a big man with a big laugh, a wonderful sense of humor, and a love for adventure. He died April 9.
Economist and pastor Tom Nelson considers how congregations can help the economies of their communities.
Matt de la Peña’s new picture book is reassuring to children and adults alike.
Avengers: Infinity War is not your usual superhero movie.
The departments of nursing, social work, philosophy, and chaplaincy/theology collaborated on the conference held April 16.
The homebase for Hesed Community Church is just that—a home in a neglected neighborhood of Detroit.
Calvin Theological Seminary recently hosted a lecture by Matthew Tuininga titled “Politics and the Kingdom of God: John Calvin’s Theology of Christian Public Engagement.”