How do you feel about squash?
I think it’s disgusting. It’s mushy, too orange, and it smells funny.
I think it’s disgusting. It’s mushy, too orange, and it smells funny.
Discovering that a relative or friend or church member is involved in an affair shocks us.
A sex-saturated society. That phrase captures the cultural context in which we live today.
My bookshelves contain numerous volumes about contemplative life and spirituality—books on the desert fathers, on famous or obscure
The sniping sound-bites of left vs. right. The “I’m always right-You’re always wrong”
The ethnic advisers to Synod 2008: (back row, l-r): Rev.
Synod 2008 voted to give more time to the denomination’s Candidacy Committee to struggle with different routes to ministry in the C
Seattle, Wash., known as the “Emerald City” for its lush green surroundings, is also sometimes referred to as “The None
Over the past few years, thousands of refugees have settled in the area of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.
In some Muslim countries the penalty for converting to Christianity can be severe.
“I love my vocational mentor.” That sentiment expressed by one student was multiplied many times when the Calvin Theologica
Jan. 18, 1961 – Feb. 4, 2008
When it comes to finances, synod does more than just set ministry share.
April 8, 1930 – Feb. 3, 2008
Synod 2008 adopted a ministry share for calendar year 2009 of $307.53 per active, professing CRC member age 18 and older.
Rev. Ira-Rimam Matthias Iratsi came to Synod 2008 to bring greetings from the Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria (RCCN).
Synod 2008 received greetings from Rev. Madalitso Banda, synod secretary of the Reformed Church in Zambia.
Synod 2008 approved and welcomed 53 new candidates for ministry of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church.
Rev. Carol Bechtel, president of the synod of the Reformed Church in America, brought greetings to the CRC.
Synod 2008 appointed Mary Lynn Vanden Berg to a three-year term as assistant professor of systematic theology at Calvin Theological Semin
“We wish to express our solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe and in particular those Christian leaders who . . .
After two days of painful debate, Synod 2008 ended the Christian Reformed Church’s formal relationship with the Protestant Church i
Elder Sarah Cook, Classis Eastern Canada, was delighted recently when she received an heirloom family photograph from a relative.