When Ripona Elementary School needed reading tutors, folks from First Christian Reformed Church in Ripon, Calif., stepped up.
Seminarians arriving at Calvin Theological Seminary next fall will find a revamped curriculum that more tightly integrates academics with
The Christian Reformed Church’s Loan Fund has been helping churches build, buy, or expand their worship spaces for 25 years.
Carefully decorated tables form a beautiful Christmas display that’s part of the sizeable holiday outreach of Brookside Christian R
Climate change and its effect on the poor was the focus of a Creation Care Summit held Oct. 18 at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich.
An elderly woman who listened daily to a call-in radio pastor decided one day to call his show.
So much depends on your standpoint when you start to tell what happened “once upon a time.”
No person is an island, yet I often feel like one when I’m new to a church.
There are so many ways to say thank you.
Remember Us
A Letter from Church Leaders in the Southern HemisphereOn the eve of both the Canadian and U.S.
Is Prosperity a Blessing?
You have a great job, a nice home, and above-average kids. But are you really “blessed”?I occasionally hear Christians reflect on how God has “blessed” them throughout their lives.
According to legend, the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, considered to be the father of Chinese agriculture, discovered tea accidentally one d
A picture of Shona Paterson (left) was incorrectly identified in the October 2008 Banner with the story “Special Needs Don’t
Obeying the Great Commission
Jason De Vries rightly urges us to rethink the Great Commission because it is a succinct description
We hear statistics of Third World countries so often we become apathetic
The word missional has become a buzzword among many church leaders today. There are varying definitions of that word.
A few years ago my family experienced a Christmas miracle: for once we all agreed on something.
Many intellectuals in university settings struggle to combine their faith with learning. Rolf Bouma wants to change that.
I had a great time. Get the word out so more people can participate!”
High in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador live the Quechua (pronounced “ketch-oo-wah”), a people descended from the Incas.
Looking at the eager young faces of children in a vacation Bible school classroom in Nigeria, Kristin Vliem was stumped.
I made a new friend. In fact, I made a number of new friends, and I would like to introduce you to one of them.
The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) shares Christ’s love by providing disaster relief and community development p
Little Odette is virtually alone in the world. She rarely says a word or cracks a smile. Her clothes are dirty and torn.