I can still hear the gentle waves under my feet.
A few years ago I had the honor of receiving an unusual call from God.
One of the most remarkable encounters in the gospels takes place between Jesus and the Canaanite woman who asks him to heal her demon-pos
Have you fed any elephants lately? Fixed the broken wing of a bird? Given a bat a home or welcomed a wolf?
Vocation for Peter Brouwer
for Peter BrouwerI wonder
if you ever missed it,
the woodwork, I mean.
Healing and pronouncing parables
The Creator Within
God doesn’t limit creativity to a small group of gifted artists.As a child I loved to create things. That’s why I pursued a visual arts degree in college.
Q It seems that once she became a teen, my daughter stopped sharing what&rs
Reforming Politics
In “Beyond Election Madness” (August 2008), Mike Hogeterp attempts a political commentary on justice that can speak to the en
Everything I know about church planting I learned from my father.
Rev. Jake Eppinga has been with the Lord for some months now.
Every great party has its morning-after cleanup, and the Sea to Sea tour was no exception.
Early on in the tour, Katrina Miller of Gaylord, Mich., somehow became the designated weather announcer.
Imagine feeding a few hundred hungry cyclists every day for nine weeks.
For the Sea to Sea tour’s logistical manager, Ed Witvoet, it was a great bike tour, but he was also glad when it finished.
Cynthia Aukema was having a great Sea to Sea tour until July 28.
Ask cyclist Brent DeVries how you get married and then leave your bride for nine weeks, and he’ll tell you, “Very carefully.&
Several life-transforming things happened to Brian Hackert as the result of a job he had selling furniture for 13 years at a large store
July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008
The Christian Reformed Church Loan Fund celebrated its 25th anniversary this year.
The Christian Reformed Church (CRC) Foundation provides financial resources for CRC ministries and programs that contribute to the implem
Denominational Services oversees the work of Christian Reformed agencies and specialized ministries and provides funds for synodical expe
Faith Alive is the publishing ministry of the Christian Reformed Church.