Should a doctrinal statement that’s nearly four-and-a-half centuries old be used to teach t
New England isn’t the part of North America that springs to mind when someone says “Christian Reformed Church.” O
Our North American culture today is a study in contrasts.
We rarely think about the things listed on these pages. Yet each one makes a BIG difference in our lives.
Q I know a number of people who take antidepressants but never go for counseling.
You have likely witnessed friends or families saying goodbye to one another dozens of times.
It really was, as the cliché goes, a dark and stormy night.
Stopping Violence
Kudos to Rev. David Kromminga for his article “Being Baptized in a Violent World” (October 2007).
Several weeks ago I attended a conference at Calvin College that focused on the Christian Reformed Church’s 150th birthday.
Seen in Ebbetts Pass Sporting Goods Store in Arnold, Calif.,
—this promise: “Children who are not supervised while in
The year of celebrating the 150th birthday of the Christian Reformed Church is drawing to a close.
Do you remember your favorite childhood picture book? Most of us can point to at least one story, whether it was a fairy tale or a Dr.
Many of the residents of lower Manhattan in New York City are busy affluent urban professionals: stockbrokers, lawyers, and executives cl
On a sweltering Sunday in July, more than 21,000 people crowded into a soccer stadium in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
This has been one of my favorite classes by far at seminary, partly because it connected theory and theology with practice, and that&rsqu
Entering Aylmer, Ontario, is like going back in time.
I realize that in this column I’m a guest at your table, and I truly respect that relationship.
The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee knows only one effective way to fight AIDS: embracing the whole community that you hope to
Seven student interns from Calvin Theological Seminary explored the dynamics of urban ministry through an internship in Chicago last summ
Hannah Elzinga, 20, and Jennifer Vanden Akker, 19, found exuberant faith among youths in Cuba when they attended a two-week youth retreat
How do isolated church communities survive and thrive?
Eleven members of Seattle’s First Christian Reformed Church joined hands with their South African sister church, Evaton Noord, not
For the first time in its short existence, the Returning Church movement held an event outside of West Michigan.