Will anyone want the mantel clock?
I made profession of faith many years ago as a young teenager, but it was group pressure that made me do it.
If you are involved in responding to poverty or have ever thought about the best way to help others, you’ve probably heard the expression Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day
Ena Welch and Dorothy Fischer team up to make bright, comforting blankets. A yarn club at First (Sarnia) Christian Reformed Church brought them together.
The backstory of this picture book, along with the rustic yet exquisite artwork, will give readers a deeper appreciation of the Christmas story.
Writer and director Chloe Zhao has created an authentic film, from the grittiness of harsh words to the enduring love and support of family and friends.
Psalm 137 is, for me, the prayer in the Bible that most accurately expresses the extreme rage that comes with the experience or observation of the world’s worst abuses
Mark Stephenson, director of Disability Concerns for the Christian Reformed Church, was recognized with Disability Network Lakeshore’s annual Ability Award.
John Cooper, 94, was a Christian Reformed pastor with an unwavering faith in God’s love. He died on October 16.
For putting his church’s vision, ‘Shining Light & Showing Love,’ into action, pastor Ray Vander Kooij was named Citizen of the Year in Acton, Ont.
“Luther: The Rock Opera” debuted to about 600 people last year at the the Stadthaus Theater in Wittenberg. This fall, Lost and Found band brought performances to five cities across the U.S. Midwest.
On Tuesday following the Oct. 27 mass shooting that killed 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, the Christian Reformed Church spoke words of mourning, lament, commitment, and resolve.
Dressed in a tall hat, dark pastor’s robe, and ruffled shirt, and sporting a long white beard, Don Sinnema greeted attendees at this fall’s Synod of Dort Commemorative Conference in the Calvin Theological Seminary auditorium.
Calvin College professor of astronomy Larry Molnar made a bold announcement in 2017.
Medicine, war, and romance come together in a multi-layered novel that explores the shifting borders of countries, the shifting alliances of war, and the shifting understanding of self.
These seven songs, all based on Scripture, speak words of hope and joy in a way that both children and adults will appreciate.
It’s as if my whole life I’ve been trying to learn a language, and it wasn’t until I started to write that I could finally speak it.
The answer to this question is all about the Holy Spirit.
Presenting the winners of our first-ever essay contest for college students.
Does legalized cannabis help me to better love and serve God and my neighbor?
According to analysis by Matthew Soerens of World Relief, the number of Christian refugees coming to the United States from the countries where Christians are most persecuted has dropped dramatically.
“Everyone can read Revelation!” is the catchphrase of a new commentary written by retired Christian Reformed pastors Rev. In Yeol (Moses) Jeong and Rev. Tong K. Park.
In a quickly growing region of the United States, Oasis Christian Reformed Church in Winter Garden, Fla., meets its community’s needs with a new daycare for preschoolers.
A Banner reader recommends Elevation Worship’s newest album, a musical offering of honest and raw praise.