In Virginia, members of Grace Christian Reformed Church started their own home-based youth group as a service to their son’s soccer team. The group boosted the church’s contingent to a SERVE trip this summer and continues to bless its community.
This past summer, a newly planted Christian Reformed Church in North Oshawa, Ont., heard the words most churches hope for: its presence in the public square was welcomed and appreciated.
What sorts of worship practices clearly proclaim that all ages are welcome as the community gathers for worship?
Those who attended Inspire 2017 were privileged to view a video that showed multiple speakers reciting the Apostles Creed. With each speaker voicing a single phrase, the compiled results provided an amazing testimony of belief, made all the more significant because the speakers were primarily children, teens, and adults with disabilities.
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha was a pediatrician in Flint, Mich., when the parents of her patients began mentioning that the water coming from their taps smelled foul and was brown.
Summary: Worship leaders David and Nicole Binion bring listeners into God’s presence with upbeat and reverent music.
The Belgic Confession clearly has a powerful early history. But does it have any lasting significance for our churches today? Is it more than a historical document established as one of the three confessional standards of the Christian Reformed Church? In what ways does the Belgic Confession still speak to us today?
What is a vegetable, a grain, and a fruit all at the same time?
In terms of orthodoxy in faith and practice, it seems to me that the Christian Reformed Church has more in common with A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians than with the Reformed Church in America.
In this deeply affecting picture book, young children will meet Temple Grandin and learn about the struggles and strengths of children on the autism spectrum.
Beautifully Broken is a faith-based film based on the unlikely but true stories of a trio of families who have experienced terrible trauma and amazing grace.
Skilled volunteers from a wide region of established churches lent their time and expertise to prepare an old building for its new worshiping community in the heart of the University of Washington.
Steadfastly committed to his lifelong calling of preaching, prayer, and pastoral care, Ken Koeman died peacefully on August 8, after a brief illness. He was 75.
First Christian Reformed Church in Fremont, Mich., has been part of the fun in community harvest days with sculpted hay art displays for the last four years.
When I first met Attie, I was a sleep-deprived mess of nerves and disappointment.
Destination Church in St. Thomas, Ont., is a congregation that has been intentional about including everyone from their community, regardless of their struggles and perceived abilities.
Rumaan Alam’s novel paints a portrait of a woman’s journey into the uncharted waters of motherhood and the nature of family across races.
A spectacular album from a band with a wonderful catalog of songs—this is music worth savoring.
The day you first tell someone about your struggle with porn is the day you first move toward healing. Yes, it’s difficult, but vulnerability is also powerful.
My earliest memories of Holy Communion are set in a small church in rural Netherlands. In that place and in those times, the pious took the apostle Paul’s injunctions regarding righteous living at face value.
As much as I lament the decline of the institutional church, I also lament the fact that we are still stuck in our old ways of trying to get people to church.
What does it mean to “give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s”?
War leaves no one unscathed, but director Xavier Beauvois presents the struggle to work the land, the appreciation of the achingly beautiful creation, and the women’s desire for connection and companionship in ways that are fully realized and deeply human.
In this picture book, young Mela experiences a selfless act of kindness that transforms her life.