Meadowvale Community Christian Reformed Church, Mississauga, Ontario, rang in 2006 with 24 hours of continuous worship.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion News Service. Send news tips to
Rev. David Engelhard, 64, passed away Dec. 22, after a 10-month battle with brain cancer. He died peacefully, surrounded by his family.
Ferrysburg (Mich.) Community Christian Reformed Church recently commissioned a local artist to create a 4-by-5-foot mosaic. Rev.
In late 2004 Ellie King faced daily dialysis as her kidneys increasingly deteriorated.
Religious advocates have developed guidelines to help major retailers steer children away from video games containing vi
“The Council of First Christian Reformed Church, Toronto… resolve[s] to acknowledge the CRC guidelines with respect to homos
Christian churches in Egypt, a predominantly Muslim country, will be able to carry out long-delayed facility repairs thanks to a recent d
Celebr8, a singing octet from Covenant Christian Reformed Church, Winnepeg, Manitoba, raised more than $4,000 for the Christian Reformed
Joanne Soodsma, librarian at Sioux Center (Iowa) Christian School, dreamed of a time line in her library.
It’s been nearly 150 years since the Christian Reformed Church of North America was born after parting ways with the Reformed Churc
The committee appointed by the Christian Reformed Church to study war and peace has much to say about war but much more to say about peac
The committee to study war and peace makes several recommendations on how the CRC can advocate for peace in today’s society.
More than 100 singing church activists were arrested on Dec. 14 outside the U.S.
From East Martin CRC, Martin, Mich., to Rev. Jacob Weeda of Bethel CRC, Manhattan, Mont.
The Back to God Hour’s six-year foray into documentary-style television ended in December when the board of the Christian Reformed
1922 - 2005
1922 - 2005
November 20 proved a momentous day for the Segaar-King family in Grand Rapids, Mich.
When the deacons of Kanata (Ontario) Community Christian Reformed Church watched the devastation unfolding in Pakistan after the recent e
With a newly completed addition to the church building, Dispatch Christian Reformed Church in Cawker City, Kan., launched three days of c
When East City Community Christian Reformed Church took advantage of a local grocery store’s offer to use its facilities to host a
Eighty-six percent of the school population surrounding Sunnyside (Wash.) Christian Reformed Church is Hispanic.
Members of The River Christian Reformed Church, Redlands, Calif., have found a firsthand way to care for babies orphaned by AIDS in the s