The first major biblical commentary from the pen of N. T. Wright.
With votes in their congregations last fall, 43 congregations that had been part of the Reformed Church in America were released from their denominational classes (regional groups of churches) as of Dec. 31, 2021. They are now part of the Alliance of Reformed Churches.
A visually stunning story of resilience and determination by an award-winning new author-illustrator team.
Refuge Reimagined will equip students, activists, and anyone interested in refugee issues to understand the biblical model for communities and how it can transform our world.
Third Day’s frontman Mac Powell releases his first solo Christian album.
Metha Alberda, a member of West End Christian Reformed Church in Edmonton, Alta., volunteers her time to create and provide handmade, infant-sized dresses to families who experience the death of a baby.
The ‘curse of Ham’ is not what you might think.
Music is an integral part of worship for all congregants. So why are so many seniors feeling left out?
Our church council called a special congregational meeting to vote on calling a chaplain. Is that necessary when the chaplain isn’t going to be working at our church?
The Clothing Closet, a community ministry of New Life Christian Reformed Church in Guelph, Ont., got a boost in donated goods this fall thanks to two community efforts.</p>
Sumas (Wash.) Christian Reformed Church faced major clean-up and restoration after flooding. With help from its classis, the church is sharing resources to support the broader community.
Scholar, missionary, translator, and one who testified to the good news of God’s grace throughout his 90 years, Gene Rubingh died Dec. 20, 2021.
A compelling historical and theological case for the church's obligation to provide reparations for the oppression of African Americans.
Now streaming for a new generation, this acclaimed animated tale by director Hayao Miyazaki follows schoolgirl Satsuke and her younger sister, Mei, as they settle into an old country house with their father and wait for their mother to recover from an illness in an area hospital.
A heartbreakingly hopeful novel in verse about an Indian American girl whose life is turned upside down when her mother is diagnosed with leukemia.
Children ages 4-8 learn that in order to eat a single meal, it takes the whole world to make it.
On his eleventh career record, Lincoln Brewster offers an eleven-song project with dazzling guitars, profound lyrics.
Kindness is My Superpower: A Children’s Book about Empathy, Kindness and Compassion by Alicia Ortego
Teach your children the power of Kindness, one of the most important skills a child can learn.
Dianda found ReFrame Ministries’ French radio program and decided to give her life to Christ. Still, her conversion story is far from over.
A desire to know Jesus was born within her and never left.
We cannot cherry-pick one half of that verse and ignore the other half.
There are several layers inherent in your question.
Among the news stories, features, and columns most read on in 2021 are perspectives on vaccines, politics, race, and the CRC’s human sexuality report.
Cheryl Bostrom, an author and member of Sonlight Church, a Christian Reformed congregation in Lynden, Wash., published Sugar Birds in 2021. Christianity Today magazine named it among “the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture” for 2022.