The Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates met Feb. 16-18 by video conference and took actions on several things, many of which will go to Synod 2022.
In endorsing an implementation plan for a Code of Conduct requested by Synod 2019, the Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates suggests it go further than synod asked. Not all delegates agreed.
I was recently reflecting on how easy it can be to lose hope in a time like this, and yet, our hope is Christ.
Burnout set in. After seven years of important but intense and sometimes draining work, Opiyo knew he needed a change.
Preventing flooding, filtering run-off, and attracting pollinators, rain gardens are a beautiful way to care for God’s creation.
Last June the CRC’s Council of Delegates requested a proposal for how to hear from more LGBTQ believers as Synod 2022 debates the human sexuality report. At its February meeting it rejected that proposal and decided on an alternative.
The CRC’s executive director invited classis leaders to pray together ahead of Synod 2022. One classis declined to participate with another, saying to gather for prayer “as if in Christian unity would be a false pretense.”
The CRC’s Council of Delegates considered a new proposal suggesting tweaks to the office of the general secretary. It asked for more details to come in May.
Jackie Hill Perry explores themes of God’s moral perfection, transcendence, and justice.
With the title track, “Holy Spirit Come,” Mayberry reminds Christians that we can call on the Holy Spirit as our counselor, our healer, our deliverer.
I take off my metaphorical glasses so I can’t see the problem areas in my life and the world around me.
It is a ministry that bears witness to both creation and the mysteries of death—sometimes in the span of a single workday.
It feels as if the CRC is headed for a denominational divorce over LGBTQ+ concerns. Is a church split inevitable?
A gentle and humble man of grace and integrity, John VanRegenmorter truly lived his life for the Lord, walking the talk every day.
The Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates has nominated a new general secretary for the denomination: the current director of Resonate Global Mission, Zach King.
In her attempts to live the “love chapter,” I Corinthians 13, to the letter, the author journeys all the way to Haiti, where she meets people who test and display love to its limits.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty meets Agatha Christie in this quirky British crime dramedy.
When two ordinary objects land on a city sidewalk, a little girl’s dull day becomes an odyssey of new places and unusual faces.
What would it look like if Christians received the invitation to be set apart, holy people opened to the transformational thinking of the kingdom of God in experiments of peacemaking?
With online church, disabled people—including me and my family—were welcomed to church in more ways and more often than ever before. Let’s keep that up.
Two years into the pandemic, more religious institutions are asking themselves what a hybrid approach can and should look like.
At a special meeting of the regional group of Christian Reformed churches in Alberta North, 52 delegates addressed differing formal requests to synod with the hope of moving forward “united in love.”
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Every week, more than 7,000 people are praying for anonymous requests from strangers who live all around the world.