Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. This trend affects our churches. Whether in North American communities or in places around the world, the reality is that Christian Reformed churches can’t ignore their Muslim neighbors. But what does this mean in practice?
This live recording celebrates and is inspired by Scripture and creation.
Ada Cook, 12, a member of First Hamilton (Ont.) Christian Reformed Church, led in prayer at the February 21 prayer breakfast in Toronto.
A team of researchers interviewed 235 low- and middle-income families to find out why so many families feel so financially insecure.
Three youth pastors at CRC congregations in Kalamazoo, Mich., swapped youth groups for two weeks in February, breaking up a winter lull and reaching youth with a new story.
What many are seeing more clearly is the need for the church to address sexual violence.
Some people may wonder what we as Canadian members of the Christian Reformed Church have done that requires reconciliation with Indigenous people.
What if I make the wrong career choices?
What do the current crop of nominated films tell us about our culture and ourselves?
In this picture book, Martin wonders, “If Jesus comes to visit me, what would I say? What would I do? How would I welcome him?”
Albert Vanden Pol touched many people with his pastoral heart and gentle spirit. He died on January 24 in Surrey, B.C.
On the day Billy Graham died and we remembered his life and message, high school kids in Florida were speaking out about gun control.
Madison Church, a multi-site Christian Reformed congregation in Grand Rapids, Mich., retold the biblical story of creation, sin, salvation, and redemption with its multicultural production of James Weldon Johnson’s 1927 book God’s Trombones.
It was a full agenda for the Council of Delegates in February, including discussions about classis renewal, church planting and evangelism, ministry priorities, and tough budgets.
The Lord must breathe life into the dry bones of his church (Ezek. 37) and give it a passion for evangelism and church planting. The question is, do we want it?
Ministry priorities for the Christian Reformed Church are up against tough budget realities of decreased denominational ministry income.
Ranchi, India, is located in the northeastern corner of the country where little is known or told about our the risen Lord.
In December 2017, Jill Bates headed to Blythefield Country Club in Grand Rapids, Mich., to have dinner with Women Who Care of Kent County...
On his many trips to and from the church he pastors in Soroti, Uganda, Martin used to miss opportunities to show God’s love.
Syd Hielema: “It’s not about keeping curriculum alive but embedding curriculum as one part of a faith formation immersive environment.”
Abu Atallah was “a good Muslim kid” who grew up in Cairo, Egypt . . .
In the beginning God created humans in his image, male and female . . .
All Set: James K. A. Smith’s latest book, Awaiting the King, is the third book . . .
Each Sunday at the Village Church we ask people who are celebrating birthdays to come forward and let us help them celebrate.