A pastor, chaplain, and teacher recognized for his extraordinary energy, Donald Wisse died Feb. 27. He was 91.
In Memoriam
A pastor and missionary with a deep and abiding love for the Lord, Bernie Dokter died Feb. 17.
Stan Bultman, a patient and kind pastor and chaplain, died Jan. 8.
Clarence Van Essen had an obvious love for the Lord and for Christ’s church. He died Feb. 4.
A gentle and humble man of grace and integrity, John VanRegenmorter truly lived his life for the Lord, walking the talk every day.
Bill Huyser faithfully served in the ministry of the Christian Reformed Church for almost 70 years. He died Jan. 4 at age 97.
A farmer and a pastor whose preaching ‘enriched the soil of the church,’ Arlan Koppendrayer was in active ministry until a devastating stroke in December. He died Dec. 24.
Xay Xue Yang, founding pastor of the Hmong Christian Reformed Church in Sheboygan, Wisc., died Dec. 15, 2021.
Pastor and chaplain, George Van Arragon was a man who made people feel welcomed, accepted, and encouraged. He died Dec. 27.
After a full life of ministry and a richly productive season of retirement, Lammert Slofstra, 97, died Dec. 31, 2021.
Scholar, missionary, translator, and one who testified to the good news of God’s grace throughout his 90 years, Gene Rubingh died Dec. 20, 2021.
A man of prayer and an inspiration to many, Harvey Ouwinga welcomed each day as a gift and tried to reflect God’s love in every moment. He died Oct. 13.
A missionary and pastor, Bob Ruis was a Christ-focused and mission-focused man with a gift for languages. He died Sept. 30.
A teacher, preacher, and loyal friend, David Doyle died Sept. 5.
A man of deep faith, intensity, and passion, Martin Geleynse dedicated his life to testifying to the love and faithfulness of God. He died Oct. 1 in Clinton, Ont.
John Aupperlee, pastor and chaplain, was most shaped by his identity as a child of God. He died Aug. 31.
Pastor and professor, Paul Bremer, centered his life around God’s story of love and grace. He died Aug. 2.
Albert Hamstra, former Asia regional director and director of special projects for World Missions in the Christian Reformed Church, died July 13.
A humble man with a servant’s heart, pastor and theology professor Carl Gerhard Kromminga died June 25.
A pastor in the Christian Reformed Church since 1983, Rich Hamstra led his congregations with energy, enthusiasm, and love.
Chaplain and pastor, Carroll Keegstra, known for his sense of humor and wonderful laugh, died May 4.
A pastor in the Christian Reformed Church for 45 years, Bob Holwerda loved the Lord his God with all his heart and soul, and his passion was obvious and contagious. He died April 30.
A vibrant leader, a man of deep convictions, and friend of God, Ken Gehrels, pastor of First Christian Reformed Church of Kemptville, Ont., died May 10.
A humble man with a “holy” legacy of leading many people to Jesus, Ron Baker died May 5.