East Side CRC in Cleveland, Ohio, marked 150 years of ministry last year. One of its last remaining programs ministers to girls in its community.
After working for four years to help women leaving domestic abuse, a Wyoming, Mich., charity started by members of the Calvary Christian Reformed Church is increasing its capacity to offer stable, safe housing.
A group of 37 people representing congregations from California, Iowa, New Mexico, and parts of Canada traveled Oct. 19-25, 2022, to the southern United States to explore racial reconciliation
A version of founder’s syndrome lies behind our reluctance to invest in emerging leaders.
A third ‘Canadian Conversation’ met virtually Jan. 28. Attendees heard updates on Christian Reformed ministry in Canada and discussed God’s calling as congregations sort through implications of Synod 2022’s confessional decisions around human sexuality.
God Is Good! is the first live album by Cody Carnes, featuring guest appearances by Kari Jobe, Natalie Grant, and Benjamin William Hastings.
Juli Wenger combines memoir, life coaching, biblical insights, and wellness advice as she invites readers to shape their lives around God’s command: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
A joyful and tenderhearted pastor who served in ministry for more than 40 years, Bert VanAntwerpen died Jan. 10. He was 85.
Friends described retired pastor and professor Sidney DeWaal with words like ‘inspirational leader,’ ‘wise counselor,’ and ‘loving man.’ After living for several years with Alzheimer’s Disease, he died Jan. 1 at age 87.
A heavy equipment operator who retrained as a pastor and returned to truck driving in retirement, Ray Steigenga was sincere and hard-working. He died Jan. 7 at age 77.
I know big technology companies keep track of our every move online, but what about privacy among family members and friends online?
Many think Jesus’ cleansing of the temple was a display of harsh anger and violence. However, Mark’s account shows otherwise.
If sensuality was an obstacle in 2006, it’s a crisis now. And not just for men. This also is an issue for women.
My Bible and I were searched for illegal substances and subsequently released when nothing was found.
Singing together is an essential activity when we gather for worship, lifting the spirit and nourishing the soul. But sometimes the sacred shows up elsewhere.
The moving true story of how young Ukrainian Jewish piano prodigies outplayed their pursuers while hiding in plain sight during the Holocaust. A middle-grade nonfiction novel-in-verse.
A new food competition show pits three home chefs against each other, asking them to bid on ingredients—basic and high-end—to create delicious dishes without breaking the bank.
Part of the Restorative Justice for Kids series, this heartwarming picture book teaches empathy and inclusion.
Classis Grand Rapids East of the Christian Reformed Church won’t discern ‘any further action’ about a congregation instructed to remove its deacon who is in a same-sex marriage until the adjudication of that congregation’s appeal.
Washington-based Center for Public Justice has awarded its annual prize for social policy research, granting one of three prizes for research about returning citizens at Calvin University.
Jesus prepared leaders to take over ministry after his ascension.
Manoj and his family were some of the only Christians in their village in India.
‘Work to build a culture of life is far from complete,’ says national March for Life president.
Get some of our top picks for reading, watching, and listening in February 2023.