Rev. Rick Ebbers doesn’t need to step out to the local coffee shop for a break. That’s where his office is.
“American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28 hours per week viewing television, more than any activity except sleeping,&rdqu
When Rev.
When 150 students, faculty, and staff members from Calvin Theological Seminary gathered in December for a panel discussion on issues of g
“[Our] editors kept hearing the same thing,” says Bob De Moor, former theological editor at Faith Alive Christian Resources.
A life of faith is not only knowing about God, it is knowing God.
As a young boy, Calvin College philosophy professor Lee Hardy learned valuable lessons when he worked for his dad at the family-owned dru
In last month’s Church@Work I addressed the need for developing leaders for service in the church.
Bertha “Bert” Verkaik remembers driving with her father 60 years ago and listening to “The Back to God Hour” on t
Dear Reader
Looking in the Rearview MirrorWhy is it that we go “back and forth” and not “forth and back?” Why do we tell someone to “go ahead, back u
Deadly Beauty
How the Church Helped Halt the Blood Diamond TradeWhen violence erupted in Sierra Leone in the early 1990s, missionaries Paul and Mary Kortenhoven didn’t take it very seriously at f
When your church joins together with other local churches for a prayer service, or if your congregation partners with another local churc
Rev. James Dekker recently represented the Christian Reformed Church at a human-rights tribunal in Colombia.
The Uniting Reformed Church in South Africa has asked the Christian Reformed Church and other Reformed churches worldwide to adopt the Be
When Lou Datillio went looking for a hunting-safety course for his son, Nick, he found a church home.
Prayer goes into every shawl knitted by members of Immanuel Christian Reformed Church in Hudsonville, Mich.
“Are you guys for real?
The junior high boys of First Christian Reformed Church in Toronto used their baking skills to raise money, hoping for $23 to buy a goat
Graafschap Christian Reformed Church in Holland, Mich., one of the oldest churches in the denomination, now also houses the Graafschap Heritage Center.
For three decades Thanh Campbell presumed he was an orphan.
The cold, the mold, the rain, and cockroaches can all greet volunteers involved in rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina.
A winter storm Feb.
It was a foggy morning when an aircraft overshot the runway and crashed “outside the wire,” the safety perimeter of the milit
Louise Hulst (left) and Shirley Matheis were two of 275 people who attended the third annual Day of Encouragement held at Dordt College i