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Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, and the Vantage Point and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
As I turn over the earth, mostly I relish the exercise, the rich soil and earthworms, and the sun or wind on my face.
I understand the difficulty, slow pace, and painfulness of change in many cases, but it can become frustrating when we miss our stated vision and goals.
My mom took a phone call from someone claiming to be her granddaughter, saying she had been in a car crash, was in jail, and needed help. Thankfully Mom figured out it wasn’t her grandchild and hung up. How do we guard ourselves from scammers?
We often think our riders, our conscious reasoning, are in control, but really our elephants, our subconscious intuitions, rule.
How can we understand God’s sovereignty without logically implying that God was the creator of evil?
A number of people around me are switching jobs. How do I know if I should be doing the same?
How frequently do we find ourselves akin to shattered pieces in need of reconstruction?
It’s easy to conclude that the person in disagreement with me has stopped treating the Bible as authoritative.
When the apostle Andrew met Jesus through John the Baptist, he was immediately captivated by the light of Christ.
As I leave a much-beloved job, I’ve been reflecting on some of the lessons I have learned through my years in this unique mission field.
When our pastor prays, he uses the word “Lord” or “Father God” in nearly every sentence, sometimes more. Is it wrong for me to be annoyed by this?
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Despite my critical nature, I’ve still discovered at least a few positive qualities in each church I’ve visited.
- September 9, 2024| |
What would extraterrestrial intelligence mean for our faith?
So far God’s design for your ear has just created vibrations in a fluid that causes your sensory hair cells to vibrate. More has to happen in order for you to hear.
Shepherds were among the first to domesticate dogs to help them with their work.
The intellectual climate in the West has left all of us assuming a thing is real only when we can see it or touch it.
Experience the beauty and peace God has made for you.
Butterflies lay their eggs on the plants that are the best food for their offspring.
Leaders are typically given way too much credit on both ends of the spectrum. They are either venerated as saints or demonized.
In the same way my daughter tirelessly sets up her toys every day, I go through the motions of being with, feeding, reading to, and playing with my kids.
This moment—a plea for passion and meaning—resonated with all of us.
The hot August sun beat down as I approached the vacant ruins of the old community garden.